Write the definition for a class called Distance that has data member feet as integer and inches as float. The class has the following member functions:
void set(int, float) to give value to object
void disp() to display distance in feet and inches
Distance add(Distance) to sum two distances & return distance
void set(int, float) to give value to object
void disp() to display distance in feet and inches
Distance add(Distance) to sum two distances & return distance
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class Distance { private: int feet; float inches; public: void setdist(int ft, float in) { feet=ft; inches=in; } Distance add(Distance); void disp(); }; Distance Distance::add(Distance D) { Distance t; t.inches=inches + D.inches; t.feet =0; if(t.inches>=12.0) { t.inches-=12.0; t.feet++; } t.feet +=feet + D.feet; return t; } void Distance::disp() { cout<<feet<<"\'"<<inches<<"\" "; } int main() { Distance d1,d2,d3; d1.setdist(10,7.1); d2.setdist(23,5.5); d3=d1.add(d2); cout<<"\n distance 1 = ";d1.disp(); cout<<"\n distance 2 = ";d2.disp(); cout<<"\n distance 3 = ";d3.disp(); getch(); return 0; }