Interview Questions & Answers

Interview Questions & Answers

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  1. Write a c program to print Hello world without using any semicolon. Answer
  2. Swap two variables without using third variable. Answer
  3. What is dangling pointer in c? Answer
  4. What is wild pointer in c? Answer
  5. What are merits and demerits of array in c? Answer
  6. Do you know memory representation of int a = 7 ?
  7. What is and why array in c?
  8. Why we use do-while loop in c? Also tell any properties which you know?
  9.  What is the meaning of prototype of a function?
  10.  Write a c program to modify the constant variable in c?
  11. What is pointer to a function?
  12. Write a c program to find size of structure without using sizeof operator?
  13. What is NULL pointer?
  14. What is difference between pass by value and pass by reference?
  15. What is size of void pointer?
  16. What is difference between uninitialized pointer and null pointer?
  17. Can you read complex pointer declaration?
  18. What are the parameter passing conventions in c?
  19. What is the far pointer in c?
  20. What is a cyclic property of data type in c? Explain with any example.

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