Questions related to C/C++

Algorithm and flowchart

1.       What is an algorithm? What are the advantages of algorithm?
2.      What are the different-2 steps to write an algorithm? Explain.
3.      Write an algorithm to print N natural numbers.
4.      What is flow chart? Explain with its different-2 symbols.
5.      What is flow chart? What are the advantages of flow chart?
6.      What are the uses of flow chart in programming?
7.      Draw a flowchart to find greatest number out of three.
8.      What is programming? What are its types?
9.      What are the different between compiler and interpreter?
10.   What is programming language? Explain low level language and high level language.
11.    What are the different techniques of programming? Explain in brief.
12.   What do you mean by structural programming and modular programming?
Introduction to C programming
1.       What are advantages of c programming?
2.      What are the different-2 steps to write c programming?
3.      What is the structure of a c programming?
4.      What are the difference between compilation and execution in a c program?
5.      What do you understand by header file? How to add header file in a program?
6.      What do you understand by “main function”?
7.      What is the role of main function in a program?
Constant, variable, data and data types
1.       What are c tokens? How many types of c tokens are in c programming?
2.      What is “keyword”? Explain.
3.      What is variable? How to declare a variable.
4.      What is constant? Explain.
5.      What is data type? Explain different-2 data types.
6.      What do you mean by “identifiers”? What are the rules to create an identifier?
7.      What is data type? Explain user defined and predefined data type.
8.      What do you mean by “scope of variable”?
9.      What is an “Operator”? Explain different types of operator.
10.   Explain conditional operator and relational operator.
Control statement and looping in c
1.       What are statements? Explain flow control statements in brief.
2.      What are selection statements? How many types of selection statements are used in C?
3.      What is nesting? Explain with example.
4.      Explain nested if statement with a suitable example.
5.      Explain switch and goto statement with suitable example.
6.      Explain if-else statement with an example.
7.      What is looping? Explain different types of loop with syntax.
8.      Explain for loop with syntax and program.
9.      What are the differences between while loop and do-while loop?
10.   Explain jump statement with suitable example.
11.    Explain break and continue statements with example.
12.   Explain conditional operator with suitable program.
13.   Explain exit function with example.

Function and modular programming in c
1.       What is function? How many types of functions are used in c programming?
2.      Explain user defined and library function with syntax.
3.      What are function arguments? Explain advantages.
4.      Explain actual parameter and formal parameter.
5.      What are the difference between Call by Value and Call by Reference?
6.      Explain call by value and call by reference with suitable programs. 
7.      What is recursion? Explain with suitable program.
8.      Write a program to find factorial of a number using function.
9.      Explain structured programming.
10.   Write a C program to swap two numbers without using third variable.

Array in c
1.       What is array? How to declare it?
2.      What is array? How many types of array are in c programming?
3.      What is multidimensional array? Write a program to add two matrices.

Structure and Union in C
1.       What is structure? How to declare it? Write a suitable program.
2.      What are the difference between structure and structure variable?
3.      Explain nested structure with suitable example.
4.      What is union? How to declare it? Write a suitable program.
5.      What is the difference between structure and union? Explain with suitable program.

1.       What is pointer?
2.      How to declare a pointer? Explain with suitable program.
3.      How to pass a value to a pointer variable?
4.      What is reference operator?
5.      What is the difference between pointer and variable?
6.      What is the difference between pointer and array?
7.      What is dynamic memory allocation? What is the difference between Malloc and Calloc?

File Management
1.       What is a file?
2.      Explain some header file through which are used in file management.
3.      Explain fopen() and fclose() function in file management.
4.      Explain file handling.
5.      What is command line argument?

Concept of object oriented programming

1.       What is object oriented programming (OOP)? Write its properties.
2.      What is OOPs? What are its advantages?
3.      What are the difference between C and C++?
4.      What are the similarities between C and C++?
5.      What is an object? Explain different types of objects.
6.      Explain polymorphism and encapsulation.
7.      Explain inheritance.

Basic elements of C++ programming
1.       What are the advantages of C++ programming?
2.      What are the rules for creating a C++ program?
3.      What are I/O operators? Explain in detail.
4.      Why the header file iostream.h is added in a C++ program?
5.      What are C++ tokens? How many types of tokens are in c++ programming?
6.      What are different types of “keyword” in C++? Explain.
7.      What is variable? How to declare a variable.
8.      What is constant? Explain.
9.      What are data types in C++? Explain different-2 data types.
10.   What is data type? Explain user defined and predefined data type.
11.    What is an “Operator”? Explain different types of operator.
12.   Explain the difference between conditional operator and relational operator.
13.   Explain enumerated date type in C++ programming.
14.   What is operator overloading? Explain.
15.   Explain the difference between Unary and Binary arithmetic operator?
16.   Write a C++ program to swap two numbers without using third variable.

Control statement and looping in C++
1.       What is branching? How many types of branching are?
2.      What are statements? Explain flow control statements in brief.
3.      What is nesting in C++? Explain with example.
4.      Explain nested if statement with a suitable example in C++.
5.      Explain switch and goto statement with suitable example.
6.      Explain if-else statement with an example.
7.      What is looping? Explain different types of loop with syntax.
8.      Explain for loop with syntax and program.
9.      What are the differences between while loop and do-while loop?
10.   Explain jump statement with suitable program in C++.
11.    Explain break and continue statements with C++ example.
12.   Explain conditional operator with suitable program.
13.   Write a program in C++ to find smallest data from given data series.
14.   Write a program in C++ to find reverse of a five digit integer number.
15.   Write a program in C++ to find some of all the digits a five digit number.

Function in C++
1.       What is function? What is the role of function in a program?
2.      Explain user defined and library function in detail.
3.      What are function arguments? Explain with advantages.
4.       What is function prototype? Why it is needed?
5.      Explain call by value and call by reference with suitable programs.
6.      What is recursion? Explain with suitable program in C++.
7.      Write a program to find factorial of a number in C++.
8.      Write short notes on
a)     Methods.
b)     Overloading
c)      Polymorphism
9.      What is inline function? Explain.
10.   Explain function overloading with a suitable program.
11.    Explain operator overloading with a suitable program.

Structure and Union in C++
1.       What is structure? How to declare it? Write a suitable program in C++.
2.      What are the difference between structure and structure variable?
3.      Explain nested structure with suitable program.
4.      Explain structure variable in detail.

Class and Inheritance
1.       Explain class and object with example.
2.      What are static member in a class.
3.      Explain Constructor and Destructor in a class.
4.      Explain Metaclass in detail.
5.      Write a program in C++using the concept of Array of Object.
6.      What in Inheritance? Explain with its advantages.
7.      Explain Public and Private Inheritance.
8.      What are the differences between Single Inheritance and Multiple Inheritance.
9.      What is the concept of abstract class and virtual class.

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