/*C++ Program to Define a Class Student and accessing member function using its object*/
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> class student { private: int admno; char sname[20]; float eng,math,science; float total; float ctotal() { return eng+math+science; } public: void Takedata() { cout<<"Enter admission number "; cin>> admno; cout<<"Enter student name " ; gets(sname); cout<< "Enter marks in english, math, science "; cin>>eng>>math>>science; total=ctotal(); } void Showdata() { cout<<"Admission number "<<admno<<"\nStudent name "<<sname<<"\nEnglish " <<eng<<"\nMath "<<math<<"\nScience "<<science<<"\nTotal "<<total; } }; int main () { clrscr(); student obj ; obj.Takedata(); obj.Showdata(); getch(); return 0; }