C++ Program to Define a Class BOOK and accessing member function using its object
#include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> class BOOK { int BOOKNO; char BOOKTITLE[20]; float PRICE; void TOTAL_COST(int N) { float tcost; tcost=PRICE*N; cout<<tcost; } public: void INPUT() { cout<<"Enter Book Number "; cin>>BOOKNO; cout<<"Enter Book Title "; gets(BOOKTITLE); cout<<"Enter price per copy "; cin>>PRICE; } void PURCHASE() { int n; cout<<"Enter number of copies to purchase "; cin>>n; cout<<"Total cost is "; TOTAL_COST(n); } }; int main() { BOOK obj; obj.INPUT(); obj.PURCHASE(); getch(); return 0; }