Write the definition for a class called time that has hours and minutes as integer. The class has the following member functions:
void settime(int, int) to set the specified value in object
void showtime() to display time object
time sum(time) to sum two time object & return time
void settime(int, int) to set the specified value in object
void showtime() to display time object
time sum(time) to sum two time object & return time
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class time { private: int hours; int minutes; public: void settime(int h, int m) { hours=h; minutes=m; } time sum(time); void showtime(); }; time time::sum(time TM) { time t; t.minutes = minutes + TM.minutes; t.hours=t.minutes/60; t.minutes=t.minutes%60; t.hours += hours + TM.hours; return t; } void time::showtime() { cout<<hours<<" hours and "<<minutes<<" minutes"<<endl; } int main() { time T1,T2,T3; T1.settime(2,45); T2.settime(3,30); T3=T1.sum(T2); cout<<"\n Time 1 : ";T1.showtime(); cout<<"\n Time 2 : ";T2.showtime(); cout<<"\n Time 3 : ";T3.showtime(); getch(); return 0; }