Check Answer.

#include <iostream> //Header file
using namespace std;

const double CENTIMETERS_PER_INCH = 2.54; //Named constants
const int INCHES_PER_FOOT = 12;   //Named constants

int main ()
 int feet, inches;
 int totalInches;
 double centimeter;
 cout << "Enter two integers, one for feet and one for inches: "; 
 cin >> feet >> inches;
 cout << endl;
 cout << "The numbers you entered are " << feet << " for feet and " << inches << " for inches. " << endl; 
 totalInches = INCHES_PER_FOOT * feet + inches;
 cout << "The total number of inches = " << totalInches << endl;
 centimeter = CENTIMETERS_PER_INCH * totalInches;
 cout << "The number of centimeters = " << centimeter << endl;
 return 0;

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