Applied Physics-II
First Year (Ist Semester)
Attempt any 06 Questions (All questions carry equal marks)
Maximum Time (2 Hr.)
- Explain NPN and PNP transistors in detail.
- Explain the charging and discharging of a capacitor.
- Explain the concept of LASER, diode, population inversion, and pumping.
- Explain Kirchhoff's Law in detail.
- What is electric current? Explain Ohm's Law.
- Explain Wheatstone Bridge in detail.
- Explain refraction of light and Snell's law in detail.
- Explain the interference of light in detail.
प्रश्न पत्र हिंदी में
- एनपीएन और पीएनपी ट्रांजिस्टर को विस्तार से समझाइए।
- कैपेसिटर की चार्जिंग और डिस्चार्जिंग को समझाइए।
- लेजर, डायोड, जनसंख्या प्रतिलोम और पम्पिंग की अवधारणा को समझाइए।
- किरचॉफ के नियम को विस्तार से समझाइए।
- विद्युत धारा क्या है? ओम के नियम को समझाइए।
- व्हीटस्टोन ब्रिज को विस्तार से समझाइए।
- प्रकाश के अपवर्तन तथा स्नेल के नियम को विस्तार से समझाइए।
- प्रकाश के व्यतिकरण को विस्तार से समझाइए।
Practical Exam
Write any three practicals in your practical notebook
- To determine the velocity of sound with the help of a resonance tube.
- To find the focal length of convex lens by displacement method.
- To find the refractive index of the material of given prism using a spectrometer.
- To find the wavelength of sodium light using Fresnel’s biprism.
- To verify laws of resistances in series and parallel combination
- To verify ohm’s laws by drawing a graph between voltage and current.
Note:- Steps for submitting the answer sheet.
- All the answers must be written on A4 size paper or notebook.
- Therefore take the images of all the pages individually.
- Combine all the images and create a pdf with your name.
- Submit the pdf on WhatsApp no.9719171508 and send mail to on or before 4:00 PM
Note:- All the students have to submit their answer sheet as hard copy after opening the colleges, it is compulsory.
Applied Physics First Terminal Exam 2021
applied physics question paper
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